It's good to have software to help us fix problems with applications. But is ZHider the best of the lot? In short, the answer is 'yes'. There are a number of problems which affect Windows and often Windows takes longer to 'work' than it should be - resulting in more error messages being displayed. This is usually because Windows needs to download an application in order to operate properly, and this can take up a large amount of your computer's memory. ZHider is an excellent piece of software which prevents any further usage of this memory by allowing you to download new applications as you need them.
One of the best features of ZHider is that you can use it to browse the Internet and then install and run them. You can also set the program to 'remember' certain websites for you so that you don't have to visit them again. With ZHider installed, Windows will know how to display your various applications and if you have saved a file, all you have to do is open that file. The download and installation process is very fast and you're back up and running in a few seconds. However, if you want to download applications and keep track of websites you visit then you can download the files you want online. The program also has its own settings which allow you to open applications and keep the memory footprint to a minimum. There are other useful features such as e-mail, block pages and folders, redirects and other useful features.
Overall, ZHider is a great piece of software which can work wonders for many of the problems we experience with our computers. Its free download can help us when we're experiencing hardware problems and has a variety of other features, making it a worthwhile purchase.